
The New Definition of.... MACARONI

Macaroni: Mac-ar-on-i

First we translate :Mac= Mac; Ar= our; On= own; I= Eek
Now we compile the words, and find that a different explanation than usual is needed, for "mac are own eek," doesn't make sense. However, there is a story behind this puzzling phrase.
The story goes that a woman was making pasta for the first time. She had just tenderly laid it out to dry, and called to her son Mac. "Look! Mac, our own-" she was going to say "pasta" but she spotted a bug in the very midst of the pasta and shrieked, "Eek!"
Mac looked at her in surprise. "Macaroneek? An ingenious noodle!"
Since then, "macaroneek" has been shortened to "macaroni." People all across the world eat this pasta, little knowing its history......

1 comment:

Homemanager said...

You are really funny, Elly! How you come up with these very silly things and make them almost seem plausible is beyond me. Keep up the humor! :-D