
Suspenseful nothings (1)

Lucy gasped in amazement. The wood was larger than she had ever expected. Her mother had been right in telling her not to go there. And yet, here she was. She could never remember exactly how she got there, but she knew that it was not by her own doing. She had been peacefully sewing a quilt together in her Living room, with mother sitting nearby. When her mother left the room, however, some thing strange happened! It was not an ordinary thing- if it had been there would be no use in telling about it. The curtain in the window puffed out as though a strong wind were blowing it. Lucy's quilt flew out of her hands and floated under the table against the wall. The cat sleeping peacefully on the rug in front of the fire a woke meowing in the most pitiful tones, and disappeared as it ran through a the door leading into the kitchen. Just as Lucy was crawling under the table to retrieve her quilt, a tree seemed to grow out of the floor. Lucy dodged it quickly only to run into another one that appeared on the sofa. Lucy was feeling quite puzzled as she stared at the tree by the mantel piece, as a big pine made it's way up through the floor by the table. Another one pierced the rug as it tried to spread it's branches. Not only were all these trees popping up from nowhere, but they were growing! They were growing taller and taller, and spreading the branches of their crown farther and farther. Lucy tried to escape by running into the kitchen, but a tree branch got in the way. She ran across the room to climb through the window, but she was blocked there too. She sat down on the floor that was gradually feeling moist and rough, and cried very hard. When she finally stopped crying and looked up, it was to find herself in this great wood. Her home and the cozy living room was no where to be seen. When she tried to calm herself down and figure out just what had happened, it occurred to her that this might be the wood her mother had forbidden her from going to. And somehow, as soon as the thought came to her, everything made sense suddenly, though she knew not why.
As she looked around, she saw the greatness of this wood, and that was what had made her gasp. Her first thought was to explore the wood, but fear soon gripped her and she stood a moment, pondering everything in her mind. Why had mother forbidden her from coming here? It must be because of some danger that lurked behind the trees, or even worse, inside the trees. Also, if the wood had grown out of her house, then she expected that her house must be some where nearby. She set out to find her house almost immediately, but just as she walked around a great oak, danger, the danger, struck her all at once, and she vanished from all sight.
Meanwhile, Lucy's sister Sarah found herself caught up in this wood, as well. She had been in the kitchen when mother entered, leaving Lucy alone in the Living room, but do you think that someone would not notice if their living room had suddenly lost it's walls and floors, and completely turned into a wood? And to have their daughter gone, too? Mother knew that Lucy must be found at once, so she and Sarah set out to find her. They had not gone far, however, when a great tree trunk seemed to come from nowhere, and completely separated the two of them, for, no matter how far around it you traveled, you couldn't reach the other side. Sarah, after trying many times, finally started out looking for Lucy. Mother would reach her some how or another, she thought, so she was not worried. But where was Lucy?
"Lucy! Oh, Lucy!"Sarah called out in alarm. the woods looked dark and foreboding, and, alas, she could see no Lucy.

To be continued later....


Kirk said...

Dear me! This is very exciting.
I like your descriptions too of the woods growing up through the house. It is so funny!

What happens next?

Noelle said...

I can't tell you what happens next; that would be cheating. :-D