
THE SCIENCE OF..... sleepiness

I have discovered the secrets contained in my science book. I'm not talking about the information in it. I'm talking about what's weaved into all of those facts and scientific equations. No matter what part of the book you are reading; no matter how interesting that part of the book may be; no matter how much sleep you had the night before; the result is all the same. First you feel slightly drowsy.... Then the words all seem to kind of blur, or run together. And if you don't recognize your symptoms soon enough, then your head flops down on the table/desk, and you're seeing nothing but Zs.

Why is that? I have wondered. My older siblings found the same problem when they worked on science. Then, a few days ago, as I felt my eyes begin to droop over the electronics and resistors and direct and alternating currents in my science book, it came to me! They were using hypnoses! The people who wrote the science book must have found out a way to place the words in the lessons just so, so that as you read it, your head is gradually emptied of all other thoughts, and gently lured to sleep. Yet some how, in the midst of it all your half-consciousness, you can come away and still be able to tell others what you learned in science.
Those people who designed our textbooks are pretty smart, if you ask me! Therefore, beware of your science books!

P.S. For those who can not tell, this is meant purely in fun. There is nothing to support the thought that Science textbooks use hypnoses; therefore, read your science in peace! :)


Homemanager said...

I must say, I think that your hypothesis leaves us to experiment further into this, interesting, yet very strange, fact.
Maybe Joe or Jake can help solve the mystery...

Noelle said...

It can not rightfully be called a "fact," for this is the mere first step to an experiment. I believe the first step is called your "hypotheses." Until my hypotheses can be proved correct, "fact" is not the proper terminology. :D

Maybe Joe and Jake could help, but maybe not. Do they have science books working hypnosis on them? I wonder... :)

Noelle said...
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